Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I use the broadheads before returning?

We encourage orders to be returned within 7 days of receipt. This allows more customers to share in the experience we provide. If return shipping tracking is not established by day 10 following initial receipt, a $20 dollar late fee is assessed. Where extraordinary circumstances may arise, please contact Broadhead Connection.

How do I return my order?

Ensure the case containing broadheads is securely closed. Insert the trial pack in the return envelope included in each order we send out. Seal and return by was of USPS. If you are at day 9 or 10 following receipt of your order, we’d advise dropping at an office where tracking can be established faster than if left in your mailbox.

What quality assurance do you provide for these broadheads?

Because we know not every shot is perfect, we physically inspect and spin test each head upon return and before returning it to our inventory.

What if I damage a broadhead?

It happens. You can keep the damaged head as a souvenir and return the rest of the pack when your experience is finished. The Replacement Fee of the broadhead will be charged to your credit card. These Replacement Fees are clearly noted in each broadhead’s Product Page.

Do you sell broadheads too?

We do not sell broadheads to consumers at this time, but do give them a chance to experience them before they make the investment. All of the manufacturers that we promote are selling direct to customers. After you find the broadhead that leaves you confident, the manufacturers website or established dealers can fulfill your order.